Wednesday 16 October 2013

Corruption in India

Corruption in India is a major issue and adversely affects its economy.Most of the largest sources of corruption in India are entitlement programmes and social spending schemes enacted by the Indian government. Other daily sources of corruption include India's trucking industry which is forced to pay billions in bribes annually to numerous regulatory and police stops on its interstate highways.The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, complicated taxes and licensing systems, numerous government departments each with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers,

 monopoly by government controlled institutions on certain goods and services 
delivery, and the lack of transparent laws and processes.There are significant variations
 in level of corruption as well as in state government efforts to reduce corruption across India.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Anti social behaviour

Anti social behaviour is totally opposite of a behaviour that helps the society.It includes all types of crimes whether it is small or large (theft or murder) .It is our  system of laws which gives birth to these anti social elements. It is not safe for an individual and for whole society also.People who are the main source of these elements has felt aggression around them, cruelty, violence, scam, theft.It leads our society towards the fall of humanity and loss as economically and socially.If our society leads to fall it will lead to the fall of our country also.The system and also the each and every individual has to stopped these kind of crimes so that
 we can make a better country for our next generation. 

Anti social elements in city

Majority of people everywhere would like to live in peace and our cities are no exception.But there are certain anti-social elements which keep cropping up, thus not letting people live in a city.Each day the morning papers bring us news on variety of crimes that are committed ranging from murders, thefts,rapes, chain snatching ,kidnapping ,corruption, molestation and so on ....of late , there has been a sharp rise in the crime rate in today's society.
It is evident that crime and violence are inherent in our political and social system so we have to resort to coherent and effective ways to curb it..Our judicial system needs a radical change where in criminals should be dealt with most severely so that mere thought of committing a crime again fills their heart with fear and guilt.It is also the duty of each and every individual to report any kind of suspicious malpractice that they witness. Unless a combined efforts is taken up whole - heartedly and crime is not dealt with on a war-footing we might never be successful in having a peaceful , secure and happy world around us.